International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) - Summaries & Evaluations


VOL.: 32 (1983) (p. 277)

CAS No.: 226-36-8
Chem. Abstr. Name: Dibenz(a,h)acridine

5. Summary of Data Reported and Evaluation

5.1 Experimental data

Dibenz[a,h]acridine has been shown to be carcinogenic to experimental animals.

No data on the teratogenicity of this compound were available.

Both positive and negative results were obtained in tests of mutagenicity in Salmonella typhimurium.

There is inadequate evidence that dibenz[a,h]acridine is active in short-term tests.

5.2 Human data

Dibenz[a,h]acridine is present as a minor component of the total content of polynuclear aromatic compounds in tobacco smoke and urban pollutants.

5.3 Evaluation

There is sufficient evidence that dibenz[a,h]acridine is carcinogenic to experimental animals.

For definition of the italicized terms, see Preamble Evaluation.

Previous evaluation: Vol. 3 (1973)

Subsequent evaluation: Suppl. 7 (1987) (p. 61: Group 2B)


Last updated: 17 April 1998

    See Also:
       Toxicological Abbreviations